Thursday, January 6, 2011

Relationship among Houses 1st house


2nd House ( Wealth and family
12th  House (loss) away from 2nd  House
1st House (loss of expenses of wealth and family).

3rd House  ( younger brother friends neighbour)
11th  House (gain) away from 3rd  House
1st House (gains of younger brother friends and neighbour).

4th House ( Mother)
 10th House ( profession reputation social status) away from 4th House
1st House ( profession of mother social status  and reputation)

5th  House (children)
9th House (Journey luck future) away from 5th House
1st House (Journey luck and future of children.)

6th House (enemies and debtors)
 8th  House ( Trouble) away from 6th House
1st House (troubles of enemies and debtors).

7th  House (spouse)
7th House ( Affairs health appearance and interest) away from 7th House
1st House (appearance health affairs and interest of spouse.)

8th House ( Illness loan litigation)
 6th House( Relatives of wife) away from 8th House
1st House (loans illness litigation of wife’s relatives.)

9th House (father)
 5th House ( Education poorva Karma) away from 9th House
1st House (education and poorva karma etc of father.)


10th House (ambition)
 4th House ( achievement) away from 10th House
1st House (achievements in ambitions.)

11th House ( wishes aspiration)
 3rd House ( Elder brother neighbours) away from 11th House
1st house (wishes aspiration of brother and neighbours.)

12th  House ( losses expenditure  hospitalization)
 2nd House ( wealth)  away from 12th House
1st House (Hospital Bills lawyer’s fees expenses on life accounts.)

Seventh House

The Seventh House mainly refers to marriage, wife or husband and material happiness among other things.
In the analysis of the Seventh House due consideration must be given to the following factors.
1. The Seventh House
2. The Lord of the Seventh House
3. The Karaka for the Seventh House Venus
4. Occupants of the Seventh House and planets associated with the Seventh House.
Malefics afflicting the Seventh House indicate many affairs and divorce. Benefics posited therein means a smooth love life.
The Effects of the Seventh Lord in the 12 Houses
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Ascendant
As the 7th lord is in the ascendant, the native will marry an acquaintance the person one has known since childhood or one who has been brought up in the same house. The spouse of the native will be mature person and will be intelligent and capable of weighing pros and cons of the situation. However they may be of wavering minds and do not stand firm on their words & actions. They are quite flexible and not at all domineering. They are adepts at finding out escape routes from critical situations. They will get a cordially disposed spouse as the seventh lord is well placed. Their public relations will be good.                                                                                              Affliction of the seventh Lord may cause constant travelling.               If the Seventh Lord and Venus are afflicted the native may be sensual and clandestine relationship with opposite sex.                                                                                                                          
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Second House
As the 7th lord is in the 2nd the House for the wealth, the native will find inordinate wealth & prosperity from woman after marriage. As a result they will be besieged by problems caused by those who become enemies due to jealousy. They may be subject to ordeals by fire & will have to face Govt enquiries and litigation. They will hate their fate & the people who caused them. Ultimately they emerge graceful & successful.                                                                                          If Seventh Lord is afflicted the native may earn money and gets wealth through the trading in flesh, woman including his wife.                      If the second house is afflicted and dual sign there are chances of second marriage. If Maraka Dasa is on the native may die during the period of the Second Lord.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Third House
This disposition gives lucky brothers signifying Third House who may be living in foreign countries. As the 7th lord is in the 3rd, the native may have to bear losses on account of the upbringing of children. Their daughter will bring them better luck. Their mental image of their partner is that of a loving and endearing personality. They are adepts at mental gymnastics as they weigh everything & sort out things using a cool and analytical intellect. If seventh lord is afflicted the native may indulge in adultery with brother’s or sister’s marriage partners. Affliction also gives misfortune to co-borns.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fourth House
As the 7th lord is in 4th, the native will have a lucky partner who gives a satisfactory married life with children & comforts. The native may have the benefit of high academic qualification and own many vehicles as Fourth house deals with conveyance. They are not the type to enforce their ideas on their partner. They are noble that way and they are good friends always & remain that way forever. If difference of opinion surfaces they clear it out with rapprochement and maintain harmony as fourth house signifies contentment belief and confidence also and so the domestic life is built upon the rock in their case.         If the Seventh lord is afflicted the domestic harmony as represented by Fourth House will be spoilt by the immature and mean partner. The native may face the endless problems on account of the vehicles. If severely afflicted by the nodes Rahu and Ketu and other malefics the native’s wife’s character becomes questionable.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fifth House
As the 7th lord is in 5th, a rich partner is indicated. They will achieve respectability and a majestic position in life. They are born salesmen & shine in marketing. They perform well in jobs where the gift of the gab and travelling are required. Their proper mindset and social skills pave the way for their progress and achievement in life. If the seventh lord is weak there may be no children. If severely afflicted one may get issues through the adulterous conduct of the wife. If there are both benefic influence and affliction the female may get only female progeny.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Sixth House
As the 7th lord is in the 6th, marital happiness is under threat. The native may have two marriages with both the partners living. Their partner's constitution may not be at par with theirs. If they do not test the patience of partner with too much demands/questions everything will go smoothly between them. They will have to incorporate patience & perseverance which ultimately yields good return. Their spouse becomes too sickly & jealous when they demand too much and deny the happiness of the husband of the marriage when Seventh Lord badly afflicted and the Karaka Venus is ill disposed. If Venus is weak but not afflicted one may desert or lose one’s partner through indiscreet act.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Seventh House
As the 7th lord is in the 7th, the native will be endowed with personal magnetism and charming personality. They will have indomitable courage, skill & high I Q. Members of the opposite sex will be attracted to them in no mean measure for temporary / lasting relationships. They both preserve their youth & cheer & behave more or less like children for their mutual amusement. The wife or husband will be a just and honourable person coming from a family of reputation and social standing. Their spouse in fact is far more realistic and practical as every situation is analysed calmly & coolly. If weak and afflicted it gives a lonely life devoid of marriage and friends.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Eighth House
As the 7th lord is in 8th, marriage will be with someone known to them earlier either friend or relative. Their luck is after marriage. They will be influenced by their spouse who will be far more mundane than them. They will find it difficult to fool their spouse for long as the partner happens to be too clever. Their next uneasy behaviour will let them down. Beware of clashes with partner which may lead to chaos. If afflicted the early death of the partner while the native may die in distant land. It gives sickly and ill tempered wife or husband leading to estrangement and separation.

Effect of Seventh Lord in the Ninth House
As the 7th lord is in the 9th, the native will do well with their spouse. They will be unorthodox by nature and with diverse interests. They will be known for their versatility & will be able to concentrate on many fields. They feel that time wasted is life wasted.                    They are more interested in the mysteries of life even though they do not want to discuss it with anybody. They will have a fortunate partner. The wife will lead the husband to follow the righteous path.   If fortified the native’s father may live abroad and the native may make fortune in the foreign land.   If afflicted the native’s father may die early. The married partner may drag the native from the path of Dharma and in this course they may lose the wealth.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Tenth House
The native may flourish in a profession abroad or his career may involve constant travelling. As the 7th lord is in the 10th, they will get a devoted and chaste partner who will be a friend philosopher and guide to them contributing immensely to their progress & advancement. The wife may be employed and contribute to the native’s income. They will be pious & enjoy all the comforts of life. Their spouse is actually shrewd & can read between the lines. They will be successes abroad. If seventh lord afflicted the wife will be avaricious and over ambitious without sufficient capacity consequently the native’s career may suffer.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Eleventh House
As the 7th lord is in the 11th, the native will gain immensely through marriage. Their spouse may be rich and religious. They have to adjust with their sons. Their spouse may gain a lot of property or may be usefully employed. They gain wealth via their spouse. Since 11th rules the fulfilment of all desires, they will achieve fulfilment of all desires via their spouse. There may be more than one marriage or the native may be associated with many women. If lord is afflicted the native may marry more than once but one wife may outlive him.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Twelfth House
There may be more than one marriage in the native’s life. He may marry second time clandestinely when the first wife is still alive. If the Lord is afflicted he may marry a second time after losing the first wife by death or separation. But if the affliction is very severe the wife or husband may die or separate and there shall be no second marriage. As the 7th lord is in the12th, the native's partner may spend more than what he/she budgets personally & they have to use all their tactics to manage their spouse. They believe in the principle "Economy is Prudence". Their income may be related to textiles. They are normally gentle and sensitive. Their partner's extravagance is counteracted by their economic prudence. They may lose largesse due to their partner's imprudence.
  1. Seventh House Positioning
1.       Saturn occupies the Seventh House from Lagna or Moon and aspected by a malefic planet.
2.       Mars and Sun or Mars and Moon are posited in Seventh House.
3.       Rahu and Venus are conjoined either in Seventh House or Lagna.
4.       Seventh house owns the malefic planet and other malefic joins or aspects the same.
5.       Seventh house owns a malefic planet and Moon and a malefic planet are posited in the House.
6.       Mercury and Venus conjoin in the Seventh House and are afflicted by evil planet.
7.       Rahu is in the Seventh House and aspected by malefic planet or conjoined with malefic planet.
  1. Lord of the Seventh House positioning
  1. The Lord of the Seventh House is in association with Saturn or opposite to it.
  2. The Lord of the Seventh House is in 6th, 8th and 12th House counted from the Seventh House.
  3. The Lord of the seventh House is malefic and the signifactor Venus is weak.
  1. Other Combination
1.     Venus is in conjunction with or opposite to Venus.
2.     Sun, Mars, Venus and Jupiter are posited in Tenth House.
3.     The lord of the second and Seventh House are conjoined with a malefic and Venus is in an evil House.                                                     
                                TIMING OF THE MARRIAGE                

There are several methods for determining the time of the marriage.

1. The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Seventh House or that of the sign occupied by the seventh lord in Navamsha is capable of giving marriage in their Dasa period.
     Example: Let the Lord of the seventh House Jupiter is posited in the fifth house in the sign of Capricorn. The Lord of this House with sign Capricorn shall be Saturn. Similarly Jupiter in Navamsha is in eleventh house with sign Sagittarius. Hence the Lord Jupiter of this sign is to be considered. For the timing of the marriage Dasa of Saturn and Jupiter is to be checked in this case.
   2. Venus the Karaka or the natural signifactor of the Seventh House can also give marriage in his Dasa period.
  3.  Moon may also give marriage in his Dasa period.
The strongest of the above Lords may give marriage in his Dasa.
4.     The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Second House or that of the sign occupied by the Second lord in Navamsha can give marriage in their Dasa period.
5.     The lord of the Tenth House in his Dasa.
6.     The Lord of the Ninth House in his Dasa.
The Lord of Ninth and Tenth House are empowered to give marriage in their Dasa only when other Dasa are fruitless.
7.     The Lord of the Seventh House if associated with Venus can also give marriage in his Dasa and Bhukti.
8.     Marriage is also possible in the period of the Lord of Seventh House, the Planet occupying the Seventh House and the Planet aspecting the Seventh House.

Alternative Methods

Add the Longitude of the Lord of Lagna and Seventh House and find the resultant Rashi. When Jupiter transits this resultant Rashi or its trine the time is favourable for the marriage.
Similarly add the longitude of the lord of Seventh House and Moon and find the resultant Rashi. When Jupiter transits this resultant Rashi or its trine the time is favourable for the marriage.

Example 1





8.31 AM







Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth 6 years 0 months and 8 days.

The following planets in the above chart would be empowered to give marriage in their Dasa.
1.    The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Seventh House or that of the sign occupied by the seventh lord in Navamsha is capable of giving marriage in their Dasa period.
Lord of the seventh house is Jupiter which is posited in fourth house with sign Sagittarius. The lord of this sign is Jupiter. In Navamsha also Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius sign. Hence Jupiter is to be considered.
  1. Venus is to be considered
  2. Moon is to be considered
4.    The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Second House or that of the sign occupied by the Second lord in Navamsha can give marriage in their Dasa period.
The lord of the Second house Venus is posited in sign Gemini whose Lord is Mercury. Hence Dasa of Mercury is to be considered.
  1. The Tenth lord Mercury is to be considered.
  2.  The Ninth lord Venus is to be considered.
  3. The Lord of Seventh house is not associated with Venus. No Consideration here.
  4. Marriage is also possible in the period of the Lord of Seventh House, the Planet occupying the Seventh House and the Planet aspecting the Seventh House.
  Among the Seventh lord Jupiter, the Seventh occupant Saturn and planet aspecting the Seventh House – none, Jupiter and Saturn are to be considered.
The following planets qualify to give marriage as per the above details.
Jupiter Venus Moon Mercury and Saturn
The native’s Mercury Dasa has ended in Childhood so Mercury Dasa is ruled out.
Next Dasa is of Venus. Dasa of Jupiter and Saturn comes very late in life. Moon’s Dasa also comes rather late in the life. Dasa of Jupiter Venus and Moon are not in consideration.
Karaka Venus and Seventh Lord Jupiter are strong. The Saturn in the Seventh House can delay the marriage but strong Venus and Jupiter will not allow it so happen.
Hence Venus would be empowered to give marriage in his Dasa.
Now let us discuss about the sub period.
Venus sub period in Venus Dasa started at the age of 13 years in 1950. This is not considered for marriage being too early. Next sub period is of Moon starting at age of 17 years in year 1954, Jupiter starting at the age of 23 years in 1960, Saturn at the age of 26 years in 1963 and Mercury at the age of 29 years. Among Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury the Planet Jupiter is the strongest by aspect, position and lordship. Hence Marriage occurred in Venus Dasa and Jupiter Bhukti in April 1961 at the age of 23years and 8 months.

Example 2











Balance of Mars Dasa at Birth 6 years 0 months and 17 days

The following planets in the above chart would be empowered to give marriage in their Dasa.
1. The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Seventh House or that of the sign occupied by the seventh lord in Navamsha is capable of giving marriage in their Dasa period.
Lord of the seventh house is Mars which is posited in Ninth house with sign Capricorn. The lord of this sign is Saturn. In Navamsha also Mars is posited in Pisces sign and Lord is Jupiter. Hence Saturn and Jupiter are to be considered.
2. Venus is to be considered
3. Moon is to be considered
4. The Lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Second House or that of the sign occupied by the Second lord in Navamsha can give marriage in their Dasa period.
The lord of the Second house Mercury is posited in sign Virgo whose Lord is Mercury. Hence Dasa of Mercury is to be considered.
5. The Tenth lord Saturn is to be considered.
6. The Ninth lord Saturn is to be considered.
7. The Lord of Seventh house Mars is not associated with Venus. No Consideration here.
8. Marriage is also possible in the period of the Lord of Seventh House, the Planet occupying the Seventh House and the Planet aspecting the Seventh House.
Among the Seventh lord Mars, the Seventh occupant Venus and planet aspecting the Seventh House – Saturn, Mars Venus and Saturn are to be considered.
The following planets qualify to give marriage as per the above details.
Jupiter Venus Moon Mercury Mars and Saturn

The seventh house is occupied by Lagna Lord Venus which is good. Saturn is Yogakaraka and aspects the Seventh House (3rd Aspect). This has a delaying affect but it happens to be a functional benefic. The sign dispositor of Saturn is Mercury who is exalted and due to these reasons the marriage cannot be delayed for a long.
Dasa of Jupiter started at the age of 24 years and Saturn at the age of 40 years. The Dasa of Mercury Moon and Venus will start very late in the life. Hence the Dasa of Jupiter is to be considered for the time of marriage.
Let us talk about the Sub period.
Saturn is the Lord of Ninth and Tenth House and also aspecting Seventh House and Yogakaraka and the most suitable for giving effect among all other planets.
Hence the marriage will happen in the Dasa of Jupiter in the Bhukti of Saturn at the age of 26 years.

By Alternate Method

Longitude of Lagna        56 degree 47 minutes
Longitude of 7th House 236 degree 47 minutes
Total                             293 degree 34 minutes
It falls in Capricorn. Jupiter in transit was moving over this sign as well as the Seventh Lord Mars at the time of the marriage.